Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 4: It's ALL about BOOKS, Seriously!

Books & Being Social

This week is all about social networking sites for books. You knew we would get there. We are a library. Did you really think I would leave out the books? We love to talk about what we have read, what we are reading, and what we plan on reading. It is time to take that discussion online.

And, I know I hear a groan coming, you will blog about 2 different things.

Discovery Resources:

About LibraryThing

How libraries are using LibraryThing

LibraryThing also has group forum for librarians

Take the LibraryThing tour

About Shelfari

Shelfari blog

Good Reads tour

Good Reads Blog

Discovery Exercise:

1. Follow the discovery resources above to learn more about one of the social networking sites for books.

2. Create a free account at one of these sites

3. Start getting social with books by placing at least 5 books on your virtual shelf.

4. Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with one that interests you.

5. Blog about your shelf and the site you explored. Try to link to your shelf from your blog.

Don't forget someone will be in Reference next Wednesday for a questions and answer session and to help you.

Blog Suggestions
How do you think a library would use a social site for books? Which site did you explore? Did you have popular books? Did you write a review?

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